The recent vegetation fire in Dublin area prompted me to put this information out on my blog.
Understand your Homeowner’s /Renter’s Insurance coverage for fire damage?
Most insurance policies do cover damage from fire (wild fires, vegetation fires, etc.). Although make sure to check your policy to understand:
Dwelling /Structural coverage
Personal property coverage
Additional Living Expenses coverage
Know your policy limit – Find out your policy limit, and divide it by the square footage of your home. This is a rough estimate, but if the number is less than $200, you are probably underinsured.
Make sure your coverage is up-to-date – You might want to check the new building standards and make sure that the policy reflects the new code upgrades.
Find out if your insurance will pay for clean up due to smoke and ash?
Check Replacement costs Vs. Extended Replacement Costs.
Make a video using smartphone about your house and belongings
This can come in very handy when and if you have work with Insurance. It will help expedite the process and make it a little less stressful.
Know if you have Additional Living Expenses covered?
Check to see if you have ALE. It is a type of insurance included in homeowners policy. Following may be covered as ALE:
Temporary housing costs- hotels, renting
Increased meal costs
Reasonable moving expenses to and from temporary housing
Increased utility expenses
Increased laundry expenses
Increased transportation expenses
Pet boarding
Get an Evacuation checklist
Critical Medications
Food and enough water per person
First Aid Kit
Important documents, photos
Essential valuables
Clothing, toiletries
Cellphones, Laptops, and chargers
Cash / Credit / Debit cards
Stay Safe !